For updates on US Hwy 50, click here.

To donate visit the Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy page.
Were you impacted by the US Highway 50 Bridge Closure?
Gunnison, Montrose, Hinsdale, and Delta Counties (and beyond) recognize that the US 50 closure due to the Middle Bridge structural issues at Blue Mesa is causing impacts to agricultural producers in all four counties and across Western Colorado. To assist emergency managers and the Gunnison County EOC – Emergency Support Function 11: Agriculture team capture and report needs up to the incident command team, CDOT leadership, and the State, we need producers to fill out this form and tell us what impacts you are experiencing and where.
For red dye/ag fuel issues, please see this letter from DOR regarding reimbursement for clear diesel.
For federal tax reimbursement on red dye/ag fuel, use this form. In order to qualify, you must use 3700 gallons.
For alternate vendors, please see this document.
Ride Sharing/Equipment Pickup
For ride sharing information, please call our office – 970-641-1260. We will keep a running list of folks making runs to the west, and what capacity they have to carry items.
Truck and trailer making a run to Montrose from Gunnison to pickup fencing supplies – have capacity to pick up for others.
Agricultural Needs
Hay Available:
2000 small squares available in Gunnison: Aaron Sohl –
Small squares available in Gunnison: Walt Cranor – 970-209-1218
Hay available in Olathe: Kat Martinez (Martinez Farms, LLC) – 970-773-3358
50 3×3 bales available in Montrose: Dean Alexander – 970-596-7165
Small squares and rounds available in Gunnison: Scott Redden – 970-596-3588
Webinar on Record Keeping (record keeping starts at 47:11)
Agriculture Stakeholder Briefing – May 2nd 2024
Colorado Agricultural Addiction and Mental Health Program: CAAMHP provides members of our agricultural and rural communities with six free sessions to an ag friendly, licensed behavioral health professional. It’s anonymous and in many cases, can be accessed remotely.
Farm and Ranch Personal Assistance Services: Families in agriculture experience unique demands on their time and energy. In addition to work responsibilities, they also seek to fulfill family responsibilities, meet financial obligations, handle changes in the weather and the economy, and maintain a healthy family and social life. The key to balancing it all is having access to the right tools, resources and support. Click above to learn about the many services available to you and your family.
Farm Aid provides a clearing house of resources, information and small grants for small holder family farmers and ranchers. 1-800-FARMAID 7am-8pm 7 days a week.
AgriStress provides a agriculture focused 24/7 help/crisis line at 833-897-2474.